miércoles, 20 de julio de 2016


Hello again!
At the beginning of our class, Marie Helene, a French schoolmate, told us about her work in a vocational school in France. It was very  interesting because she has been teaching for 33 years and she had a lot of experiences and anecdotes for relating. 
Following Tom introduced the sport topic. In pairs, we have discussed some questions and we learnt vocabulary about Hurling, a traditional sport in Ireland.
After that we went to class with Kevin and we have worked in groups. 

We watched a video about the Gaelic football, another tradicional Irish sport. We had to write the rules of this sport individually and later we had to reach an agreement with the members of our group. Finally, we shared all the information with the rest of our class using this strategy: "one stay rest stray".

Por la tarde hemos preparado nuestro trabajo final sobre Paul Henry, un famoso pintor irlandés.
Y a continuación otra actividad, quizás la más importante del día, la visita a la biblioteca del Trinity College para ver el "Book of Kells", un antiguo libro escrito por escribanos medievales. 

It was amazing!!! How are the books ordered?

They are ordered by size. The tallest books are down and the smallest books are up on the shelves.

Another curiosity is... When was written the oldest book and the newest one? If you want to know it, follow us tomorrow!!!

La respuesta a la pregunta anterior es:
A los ciervos del Phoenix Park lo que más les gusta comer son las frutas, especialmente uvas.

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