martes, 19 de julio de 2016


Today we have had a very interesting presentation about the National Museum of Dublin which is near from our school.
Our teacher presented us the Bog Bodies, which are rest of human bodies from The Iron Age. They were found in the bogs of the countrysides. The bogs are an area of wet, spongy ground with soil composed mainly of decayed vegetable matter which is use as a combustible. Those bodies are perfectely preserved because of the effect of the bog. 
After the oral presentation with a very nice Padlet, we have gone there to visit that part of the history of this country live and direct.

Después del almuerzo/comida hemos hecho una puesta en común de todos los recursos que utilizamos habitualmente en nuetras clases. For instance: Padlet, Prezi, Animoto, Sparkvideo.
Nuestra aportación ha sido una aplicación para aprender y practicar phrasal verbs, que se llama Phrasal Verbs Machine y por otro lado las páginas web Issuu y kizoa, muy útiles para hacer libros digitales y presentaciones. 

Clara presentinng Phrasal Verbs Machine. 
Justo presenting Issuu and Kizoa.


At the afternoon we have rented bikes and we have gone to the Phoenix Park. We have enjoyed all the landscape because of the nature and the wild life. It was amazing how the deers were so closed to us. If you come to Dublin you have to visit it. 

The answer from the previuos question:
Our investigation was about two films, "In the name of the father" and "The hunger". We found out lots of differences and comon points. 

The next question is, what does the deers like to eat most? If you want to know the next answer follow us tomorow. 

4 comentarios:

  1. What is that thing of the Phrasal Verbs Machine?

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Is an App very useful to Learn phrasals verbs specially for Spanish people :) try to play and say us your results. Thank you very much for your comment

  4. Is an App very useful to Learn phrasals verbs specially for Spanish people :) try to play and say us your results. Thank you very much for your comment
